mental health

Our House has begun building our own, internal capacity to meet the mental health needs of our clients overcoming the trauma that homelessness and extreme poverty brings. Our mental health team now includes a team of full-time licensed social workers and a group of social work interns who provide barrier-free, on-site service to adults, children, and families. We offer individual, family, and group therapies and a wide array of mental health focused classes. Through our community partnerships, we are also able to refer clients for additional resources and treatment when necessary.

our classes

Through women’s support groups, parenting workshops, anger management sessions, recovery meetings, and more, we provide an array of classes for diverse populations that help our clients build the skills they need to thrive physically, emotionally, and mentally.


Our House always works equally with parents and children to help whole families succeed. As such, we have a Children’s Therapist and Family Therapist dedicated to ensuring that our clients receive the care they need, no matter their age.

Our House takes confidentiality very seriously. Information shared in a clinical setting is kept private between a therapist and their mental health provider. All clients sign a confidentiality agreement form during the first session that outlines Our House’s policies and procedures as it pertains to confidentiality. The only time client information may be shared is if the client’s life or someone else’s life is in danger.

what we offer

Mental Health services are available for existing Our House clients. While there are many doors to access Our House services, the mental health program is available for clients who are currently enrolled in an Our House Program to help them be successful with their goals.

Services are available at no cost to our clients.

For more information about our services, contact DeMarreo Tidwell, Mental Health Manager, at 501-374-7383 ext. 169 or

Looking for additional resources? Our Mental Health guide and Substance Abuse Recovery guide are designed to provide information for low-income and underinsured individuals in the Little Rock metropolitan area. Please feel free to download, print, and share these guides! Send us an email at with any updates or corrections.