For a family with three children, surviving on a minimum wage salary is nearly impossible. Titus was struggling to find work outside of the restaurant industry that would be better conducive to both his mental health and finances, so a friend recommended that he come to Our House’s Career Center. As a parent, Titus qualified for our 9-month job training program, and he was placed in our Resale Store where he never missed a day of work! During his time at the store, Titus worked almost every position to help him build a strong resume and make many connections with customers that led to multiple job offers. Titus ultimately interviewed with Caterpillar and was offered the job that same day! Titus now sees himself in a career position with great benefits that allow him to build his savings and better support his family. Titus’ main goal in life is to put his children through college, which he now has the foundation to do. The team at the Resale store is still family to Titus, and he often comes back to volunteer!