Volunteer Needs

There are several different ways to volunteer with  Our House-from indirect service, helping with organizational needs, to hands-on service with with children. We ask that volunteers who wish to work directly with children commit to volunteering at least once a week, in order to create stronger bonds and a sense of stability with youth.

Ongoing Volunteer Needs:

Grounds Maintenance – We consistently need volunteers to help maintain our grounds. This may include tasks such as pulling weeds, trimming, mowing, and picking up trash.

Sorting and Organizing Donations – Due to the high volume of donations we receive at Our House, we consistently need volunteers to help sort and organize our donation areas. This will mostly involve sorting clothes by size, gender, and season as well as bagging and storing other donation items.

Upcoming Volunteer Opportunities:

September 20th– Our House will host their 3rd Annual Health and Wellness Day. Volunteers are needed Saturday, September 20th from 10am – 2pm to assist with set-up in the morning, break-down in the afternoon and help with children activities and various other activities for the duration of the event.

If you would like to volunteer with Our House please contact Prentis Jones at 501-374-7383 ext.202 or  volunteer@ourhouseshelter.org.