
After having difficulty finding stable housing after leaving prison, Joshua came to Our House in December 2020. He quickly settled into Our House programming, finding a home in the Shelter, enrolling in the Reentry Program, and joining the TANF-funded Job Training Program on campus. Since January 2021, Joshua has worked as security in the guard […]

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Reggie came to the Our House Career Center in January 2021, after COVID-19-related layoffs at his previous job. Having previously stayed at Our House as a resident in 2018, he was familiar with the services he could receive such as job search assistance and childcare. As a custodial parent to three children, Reggie enrolled in

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Volunteer at Our House and make a difference | Engage Arkansas

Originally found at THV11 Check out this video celebrating volunteering in Arkansas: “Engage Arkansas helps you find organizations to best serve your community, and at Our House you can make a difference for Little Rock’s homeless population.”

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Originally from Arkansas, Ashley found herself homeless with her three children while living in Orlando, FL, so she moved back to live with relatives. She heard about Our House from a relative and was immediately introduced to Ruthie, her CAFSI case manager. Ashley has received wrap-around services at Our House, including help with food, rent,

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Zandra and her infant daughter, Zy’Unique, entered Our House’s homeless prevention program, CAFSI, in early 2019 after Zandra made the courageous decision to drop everything and leave an abusive relationship. Having nothing to her name, not even extra clothes, Zandra and Zy’Unique checked into a local domestic violence shelter. There, Zandra learned about Our House’s

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Brandye entered the CAFSI program in 2019 with her two daughters Ja’Naya and Mikhia when she was homeless and living with her mother. Brandye had lost her job and consequently her housing, and was struggling with her mental health. After enrolling in the program,  Brandye was able to connect with a counselor through our referral

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Jimmy and his daughter Autumn came to Our House in the last few days of December 2020, after leaving a toxic family situation. Because of their family status as a single dad, they were moved immediately into the Family House, where they have their own room. Jimmy has quickly jumped in with two feet to

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When his mother became terminally ill, Isaiah Wagoner and his parents moved to Little Rock to be closer to her grandmother. However, because the house was too small for so many people, Isaiah and his father were kicked out and found themselves unhoused.  In 1994, when Isaiah was four years old, he and his father

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After leaving prison and starting fresh with Goodwill’s Transitional Employment Opportunity (TEO) program, Sanjuana heard about Our House from the TEO team. Interested in improving her computer skills, Sanjuana decided to visit the Our House Career Center. Once Sanjauna learned about all the support services at her disposal at Our House, she made a commitment

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After leaving prison, Michelle transferred from Phoenix House to Our House on March 10, the day before the COVID-19 pandemic shut down the world. “It has to be a miracle that I got in right before everything shut down,” she states. Because of the low number of residents at the time, Michelle formed close bonds

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